Completed [VSH/FF2] Snowglobe Update (1 Viewer)

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Feb 19, 2021
Snowglobe has had an issue with spaghetti teleport hales for years, they tended to get stuck in the glass globe that surrounds the map,
thus I decided to fix that mistake and give the map some minor improvements.

-Hales that can teleport will no longer get stuck inside the glass, rather they will get teleported high above the church with a slight push towards the capture point platform

Jump Pads
-I have added 4 jump pads to compensate for the lack of means of reaching certain map areas/to make manoeuvrability a bit easier.
-There is 1 BLU only, 1 RED only and 2 mutual pads that display their designed team`s colour respectfully.
-BLU and mutual pads give hale MegaHeal.
-Each pad has 45 second cooldown + the 20 second round start cooldown on mutual pads activation.
-Scouts are NOT ALLOWED to use the pads (basically blocked from activating the pads).



Adjustments/Esthetic changes
-The Church`s roof has been changed from bland wood to proper white shingles
-First ladder of the Church`s clocktower is climbable followed by a small platform on the top of it
-The Ceiling of the Church was swapped from bricks to wood with minor additional details
-The RED spawn`s upper floor received wooden boards on the edge of the floor and a pile of planks with additional medium healthpack
-Added a small ammo pack in the middle area
-Added a medium ammo pack in BLU spawn





Playtest the map, if you have any suggestions/ideas/feedback that could benefit the map please comment down below.
Once you download the .bsp file put it in \tf\maps directory.


  • vsh_snowglobe_panda_m.bsp
    8.4 MB · Views: 73
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I can't speak for FF2, but for VSH the pads seem unnecessary, especially with all the movement option excess we have already, though excluding scouts seems confusing consider how much more movement soldier, pyro and sniper have.
Would've loved to see the map terrain receive a pass over though, can be janky at times getting caught on weird snow hills.
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figured that pads were gonna be a bit controversial.

Updated to not include jump pads.


  • vsh_snowglobe_panda_m1.bsp
    8.3 MB · Views: 74
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With no objections and a confirmation from Kruphixx that there should not be any issues I'll just task this up for the no jump pads version

Task #274 FF2 / VSH - Add/ Remove / Update maps
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