This has been going on for far too long.. <solved> (2 Viewers)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2013

Pretty much ever since I started playing in the server I've seen the guy and it's always the same story with him. I know Danny knows him:DK Pedobear. Not sure if Kevin or Saxton know him as well, but Danny sure knows what I'm talking about.

If I put his chatlog here I'm sure you can see at first glance what I mean:

Every time I warn him to stop spamming and to use the trade chat. And so does Danny. He never actually does it. Or well, what he does is say okay, maybe say sorry, then use it once or twice, and then keep on going with the regular chat, spamming it with all sorts of trade messages.

It's not about not using the trade chat, it's about NEVER doing it, even after he's been warned soooo many times. I was actually surprised to see he only has 1 previous ban on record.
Apparently our message is just not sinking in no matter what. Today just now I even had this:

DK Pedobear : selling merc's muffler trade me !
DK Pedobear : selling merc's muffler trade me !
EvoWarrior5 : pedobear
[PandaHop] Panda Community TF2 #13 [Freak Fortress 2|RTD] - vsh_military_area_b1 (9/24) [type !servers to join]
EvoWarrior5 : this is my last fucking warning ever
DK Pedobear : selling merc's muffler trade me !
EvoWarrior5 : alright, thats it.

I don't know what else to say. I'd personally suggest 3 day ban or maybe a week, maybe then it will FINALLY get through to him.
Also, he seems to have an alt account: - regular - alt


EDIT:Danny banned him for two weeks. Let's see what happens.
Yep, unless he simply continues after he returns.
But if that happens I'll just tell Danny or you.

By the way, I don't know if Danny has banned his alt account yet. Maybe it's smart to do so.
tell me his alt and i ban it too for 2 weeks like his main
I put it in the first post, the links to his GameME for both his regular and his alt.
The steam profile linked to the alt account is this:

He's so smart for giving his alt account the exact same name lol. I mean there's lots of obvious similarites anyways, but the way I found it is because I was looking for his chatlog and got two results when typing in "DK Pedobear".
EvoWarrior5' said:
I put it in the first post, the links to his GameME for both his regular and his alt.
The steam profile linked to the alt account is this:

He's so smart for giving his alt account the exact same name lol. I mean there's lots of obvious similarites anyways, but the way I found it is because I was looking for his chatlog and got two results when typing in "DK Pedobear".
Saxton Hale' said:
ip bans ftw :B1:
hm saxton if you have a dynamic ip brings a ip ban nothing because you get each day a new ip :D:
Pretty sure it's spelt Gryffindor. Not 100% sure tho
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