So.. About the Overtalk plugin... (1 Viewer)

hehe troll

Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2017
So, I'd like to hear your guys' opinions on the ( currently broken, i think ) "Toggle Overtalk" plugin that was recently added to Jailbreak.
Tell me what you think in terms of things it does well vs things it could improve on.

I will post my opinion here too, but spoilered because I want to give you a chance at a neutral, unbiased opinion before seeing mine.

So here goes, assuming you clicked on this after you typed out an opinion.

What it does well:
- It finally shuts up blus who constantly use their mic and won't let the warden speak.
- Wardens who aren't as assertive ( meaning, that those people don't want to say "guys! shut up!" as easily ) as others have a chance to give orders too.

What it could improve on:
- Currently it can be abused by turning off overtalk for the entire round.
. - My proposal to fix this: have overtalk be enabled for 30s max; since this is the time that warden can shut up either team by giving an order too.
- JB is a social gamemode. The game wouldn't be the same without jokes or skits blus can do. Because blus are shut up for not only the warden, but for the entirety of red team too. So
- Communication with the warden; "hey i got the rebeller!" would have to go via chat, which is either flooded in a busy session, or warden usually doesn't look at it.
- Currently, the wording confuses some people. I've seen people say "Does this mean BLU team is shut up now?" when "Overtalk" is enabled.
. - My proposal to fix this: Change the wording to "Guards muted." or "Overtalk disabled; Guards muted."

Of course, I realize that the plugin was added less than a week ago, and forming a proper opinion can be hard, but I'd like to see you guys' thoughts and views on it!
i think it is the worst addition to the server in the time that i have played on it
I think we need to see what it’s like when it’s properly in place

Currently wardens don’t even know it’s a thing and just leave it on while being none the wiser :/
Maybe when it’s not enabled by default it won’t be so bad. I don’t know though.

Right now it’s terrible and I already got sick of SOME people abusing it and had to make the suggestion on it
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