Removal of vsh_barn_night_reworked (2 Viewers)

Remove barn_night_reworked?

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Correct me with I'm wrong, but I don't really see any Freak Fortress 2 people commenting (mostly just VSH). Since most likely this thread will affect FF2 too, I'll make my own little comment as someone who plays FF2 rather than VSH.

Now for VSH, I can see how this is a problem. I believe most the hales only have Uber+Stun rages, which can be a problem if the whole RED team is down in the basement. However, has anyone tried to actually kill them before they reach the basement? If I can do it as Piss Cakehole, who has the basic Uber+Stun rage, I'm pretty sure good ol' Saxton Hale can do it as well. As a person who has been on the map many, many times, I can say that a simple thinking outside the box can get you a win. You gotta learn from your mistakes.

On the other hand, taking a look at the 'rereworked' version, I can say the changes made need to be tweaked. Let me explain it in pictures because visual aids.

This is the newest part added, the barrels are taken away so I could see easier, and I personally think it's terrible. The space is too enclosed and can be countered by another Engineer setting up here or the Engineer that would set up behind where I currently am in the picture. I suggest make this spot more open and more easier to get into with REDs being around it, which leads into the next suggestion..


I like that you're using this for the entrance to the picture above, but I think we should change that. This entrance is too close to where the REDs are and the boss can be knocked out from reaching the entrance to get behind the REDs. I propose to move this entrance to it's formal entrance. Which is..

...this spot. This spot for the entrance is how I can see the changes being even viable. Also this spot is really empty and needs something..

Anyways I hope if the map is going to become 'rereworked', that one or both of my suggestions make it in the final product.
If you immediately go down the pipes on the old map and go to the room where red camps, you can actually kill all the engies, medics and heavies before they've had proper time to set up. Sad thing is: when you do that you basically won, but if you don't enter those pipes as soon as you can you basically lost.
  • Agree
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