Pending Panda Community Casual 2.0 (2 Viewers)

What gamemode(s) would you like on the purposed TF2 casual server

  • KOTH

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  • CP

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  • CTF

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Jan 18, 2019
Hello again everyone as most of you know my name is savador and i hope your day is going well, but today i wanted to go back in time and revisit my old idea for panda community.

My idea is Called Panda Community Casual. PCC is what Ima call it now is where we would have normal tf2 casual but with the twist of using Workshop Maps that never got to see light of day.

My main idea isn't to just choose any random new maps I see I want to see what everyone likes and just see what the player base would enjoy, for example we could run a test server that has some selected maps and see how the players enjoy it.

The maps wouldn't only just be normal gameplay either because we also have many different types of gameplays to show, for example we would start on a train fighting people while being transported through different dimensions then we could be on a beach pushing a cart to destroy a hotel and then even fight to blow up a giant robot in a hat factory.

Im also going to create a poll to see how many people would agree with this idea :)

Anyway, I hope everyone here has a good day and hopefully i will see you all of the battlefield Goodbye.
Im going to link some Maps that i feel that people can enjoy but if u have any different ideas reply to my comment as well.

We could just start with the bog standard casual list then add custom maps we feel are worth playing on.
I'd really like to sometimes go there if Casual is full of bots c:
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I honestly love this idea, since the closest thing we have to casual is either hightower, turbine or 2fort.
I love the idea because normal casual is always full of bots. Having two or three servers with this feature (one for EU, another for US and mabe another for SG) could attract a lot of players.

Furthermore, having the ability to add other maps which aren't in the casual map pool could potentially boost numbers in the server. However, we may need to keep maps like 2Fort, Hightower and Turbine out of the map pool since it may prompt players from those respective servers to migrate over to the casual servers instead, leaving them with no players. Although if this happens, those servers could end up being voided and replaced by casual servers.

If this is added, I'd definitely be interested in playing there.
Ok so there's a couple of things happening here that need to be decided before continuing.

Just to make sure: These custom maps you suggested @Savador548 are a mixture of payload / control point / capture the flag. Was the idea to have these different kinds of gamemodes on one or spilt?

Also I see anon's point about not having tf2 official casual maps. I'm probably going to put that as a poll after the response about the above question. If anybody wants to say anything else now is a good time.
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i think its a good idea to avoid using capture the flag maps, we already are using 2 ctf casual maps on their own servers and it would slow down gameplay a fair bit if they were mixed in with faster gamemodes.
I think Control points, KOTH and Payload would be perfect. Having custom maps instead of official maps would definitely be a bonus (also please add Trainsawlazer to that list, one of the funniest KOTH maps out there)
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If we had to choose 1 gamemode for the server to focus on id personally like it to be Payload, Its the perfect tf2 gamemode since it doesn’t really drag down
Here is my ranking list, based on what I'd personally want
1. Payload
2. Koth
3. CP
4. All the rest except CTF
5. CTF

Reasoning for this order is because although we have a couple servers in the top two, Harvest or Hightower for examples, Hightower isn't really a payload map as much as it is its own thing, contrastingly, harvest is super non-scheduled in the times players are on and can get boring as it has no map rotation on such a small play area. Control Points, I just don't play it enough, and don't have too many negatives or positives with it. I wouldn't mind it, but I have no knowledge of whether it would be a good idea to add Control points. With all the custom maps , and CTF I just think that they don't fit a fast paced play style, and if they do, they are game modes that deserve their own server due to their differences that set them astray from key game modes.
  • Informative
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If you're going to use custom maps I'd take a looksy here, most of these maps are either in the game already or are pretty darn well made.

Whats wrong with CTF?
Whats wrong with CTF?
Kevin already has multiple servers that are just 2fort or turbine.
Payload would be a great addition since there is not really a Payload server yet

Whats wrong with CTF?
Goddamn this is a suggestions thread, not an application form for the circus
This is a lovely idea I'm absolutely sick and tired of the bots ruining normal casual :(

So I've made a new poll about what kind of gamemodes this TF2 Casual server will have. I've only given options to what has been discussed in this thread. If you want more options, let me know and i'll add them. The majority vote wins.
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I'd say adding another server having CTF would be painful (specially if the points to win are increased as much as it is in the CTF servers right now). Having only one gamemode would also probably defeat the whole aim of the server having some form of variety with the custom maps (as we would be narrowing down the choice to just one gamemode). For this reason, I do believe the best choice would be to have all gamemodes except CTF.

However, I must finally add, if people later on voted for it/suggested it, some CTF maps could be added to the poll, preferably custom maps such as ctf_convoy or ctf_wiretap and not default ones like 2fort/turbine.
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