Overused binds? (2 Viewers)

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Jan 21, 2015
Hello everyone, so another day, another topic, you can't deny i made things lively around here, riiiiiiiiight? so, let's start.

I checked the players reports section to see what most players are reported for, so here are the stats for the last page:

Overused binds: 8

Insults: 7

Overused caps: 2

Spam: 2

Free kills: 1

Hack ads: 1

The number 1 reason, for getting reported, or getting muted/gagged as well, is using binds.


So, after some "discussion" on the shoutbox, seems like it doesn't matter how "dense" u use binds, if you use them many times, u will be muted/gagged. And some admin claimed that it all started after some people used them heavily.


Now why defend binds? Most binds are fun. Those faces are like memes and jokes for some. They lighten the mood. They bring players closer. And it's a chat in a video game, not a company chat.

Did the reported people hurt anyone by those binds? Well i dunno who would be hurt by this ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Another thing to mention, and it's a fact, 8 players on the last page, reported for using binds, by 1 player. 8 players have no issue with using binds vs 1 player who might not be even doing it because it annoys him.


Why start here? because it's getting gloomy and cold around, people are missing the main point which is to have fun around here.

Somewhere along the history of these servers, we started caring more about punishing the community than making servers a better place for the community.
*cough* @Shad *cough* I'd like to see your opinion here. Por favor.
Right, in my opinion binds are the most annoying. They arent harmful, yes, but it sucks to open the chat and scroll up to see what one person said when someone else spammed his binds 3 times in a row. And u cant mute the person which spams them, because its not the voice chat. Me and the admins that handle my reports think the same about bind spamming. If they think that i didnt give enough evidence or the person doesnt deserve his punishment they can easily decline my report. Overall, I dont like spam and i dont find binds fun in general. If the admins agree with my reports, then its not my problem because, as i said, they could easily decline them.
Binds are cancerous, be it lenny or other emojis or random sentences that people think are funny but never were.
If you spam binds (3+ times in a minute, iirc), you get muted. That's as simple as that.
As long as you don't spam them every 5 seconds 3 times in a row then I don't give a shit about your bind. Honestly I use binds myself.

/demoted (╯ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )╯︵ ┻━┻
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