Declined Onelight's Admin Application. (3 Viewers)

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Active Member
Jun 10, 2017
- My name is Adrian Norberg but most people know / call me Onelight because that is my user name on pretty much all social medias.

I am 19 year old but like everyone else, i am getting older each day.

- FoxHound (might update)

- STEAM_0:0:56366834 this doesn't make me professional it just proves that i do know how to look things up

- Everyday 5-8+ hours aday and my phone is always on

- i am pretty much always on Panda Community #13 | Deathrun and also on Panda Community #9 | Freak Fortress 2

- I do have a Microphone but at the moment i can not use it because my laptop doesn't have the right input. sadly but i am saving up to a NEW computer (PC)

- a Moderator but there is no such thing as a moderator here so i am guessing that being an admin is okay, as long i can mute micspammers/music players and also gag extremely rule players and if commands ain't needed to be used i can always keep clam and warn the members if when they are getting alittle bit rude and starting to insulting the members for simple reasons like "!hug player"

* all those other commands like "!slap, !resize, admin sounds, !freeze, !rename"+ ain't interesting it is not the reason why i would like to become a guard
of Panda Community *

- no i have haven't been an admin before. only on my school and own LAN servers but never on a huge community like Panda.

- why you guys would choice me to become a part of the community all the things i have write on this thread is one of the reasons but maybe because i am a honest person and not a very triggerhappy person i am not interested to spam sounds or anything like that all i want to keep the servers clean but warning everyone to often because that would just tell that the members have no free speach like for exemple if someone would like to say a joke but 3 of the admins on the server has already told everyone to not insult the members for a simple reason. i have seen it everywhere even on this community and all i want to change that and show that some members can also become an admin and that some people really wants to take the job seriously and not joking around if you want to joke around do is like a player and not as an admin you can have the admin tag and be the funny chill dude in the voice chat but you don't have to use any commands for that. i don't think this might be a good reason but i hope you guys will understand my point why i would like to become an sosial guard around here

this text might be alil edgy. sorry about that

- how i would use the commands if someone would brake the rules?

if someone would spam in the voice chat i would ask then to stop and warn them about the consequences that could happend if they keep spamming and playing there memes.

Mute 60 min > 120 min and if the same person keeps comming back after when the mute is gone i would probebly give them another mute but this time it will be for a longer time but giving out Perma Mutes isn't my thing i do not like to do that because people can always change

if someone would Ghost and change the team to see that the other players are planning to do and specially where they are, it is against the rules and it is a dickmove and on a deathrun server that it is kinda ruining the fun. if that would ever happend i would warn them and tell them to quit doing that but i wouldn't kick or use any commands to the person unless i know that he's actually Ghosting.

if someone would ever team with their friends and no killing eachother and boost points on a Freak Fortress 2 server or a Deathrun server we have all seen those people the are usually ruining the fun on the server and wasting the time. telling them to stop usually doesn't work unless an admin shows up. warning them to stop of course there is no need to kick or slay them if they stop on the first warning but aslong they ignore it and keep wasting the time we have a reason to !slay one of them and we can continue.

if someone would be AFK on a server and is the last one alive just put a timebomb on them. if they doesn't move they die but if they were just talking to someone on a Forum or to a friend on steam they hear the timebomb sound and would probebly move if they want to stay alive.

if someone would hack and use unfair modes in the game like wall hack aimbots or anykind of cheats they are not alowed to be on the server and banning them is fair they shouldn't been hacking everyone knows that

if someone would yell or insulting the members by raging in the chat or in the voice chat posting bad jokes that is meant to insult or hurt someone it is not funny maybe for some people but mostly not to everyone and most of us is getting annoyed or hurt admins should keep the language in a nice balanse and warn anyone who would yell at someone else about the consequences and if they don't listen and keep doing that they might ending up getting muted or gagged in after min so they can clam down

mute and gag 60min > 60min and then if they keep going and insulting the members 120min up

i would never mute someone without a real reason. giving out unfair punishment is not my thing and using commands for fun just to tell everyone that >i am an admin< .. it is not even funny and most of the members doesn't play on the servers because admins are using commands on the to their friends and buddies and someone there is no need to even think about warning someone saying "noob" to someone isn't a good reason to say "please don't insult" i am not that triggerhappy.

if you need to contact me feel free to add me on steam. or use this KIK code thank you
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-- i am pretty much always on Panda Community #13 | Deathrun and also on Panda Community #9 | Freak Fortress 2

Excuse me but if I remember well Freak Fortress 2 it's #13,if you are applying for THIS FF2 server,please tell me so us admins of the server can say our opinion on that
i do not know how to answer that, but about the someone just got married, it is just a think i say each time someone is getting married. and all the lennies i usually post them when someone is saying something silly or posting a funny joke.

and the thing about why i do not want kids :) i said that when someone raging in the voice chat. it was a meme

but all of those ain't binds and the "[v] i guess" someone asked how to use the mic in game. and comon now. saying "Idk" that is not a bind and i am not a person who can use my mic because.. i just can not my laptop doesn't have the right input

i am guessing that spamming binds ain't alowed i guess still think you for your thoughts of me not being an admin.

but everyone can change right?
Excuse me but if I remember well Freak Fortress 2 it's #13,if you are applying for THIS FF2 server,please tell me so us admins of the server can say our opinion on that

what? oh yeah Freak Fortress is #13 and deathrun is #9.. sorry that i mixed them up Xd
In the punishments i see alot off info that isn't needed and i am missing alot of punishment lenghts...

- STEAM_0:0:56366834 this doesn't make me professional it just proves that i do know how to look things up" Not sure why there is a need to mention this.

"Mute 60 min > 120 min and if the same person keeps comming back after when the mute is gone i would probebly give them another mute but this time it will be for a longer time but giving out Perma Mutes isn't my thing i do not like to do that because people can always change "

When they are at their 6th punishment it is a perm, like it or not...

ALSO i find it really hard to read the app because of your sentences structuring ( Maybe you can't help it but just saying)
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ALSO i find it really hard to read the app because of your sentences structuring ( Maybe you can't help it but just saying )

no i am sorry but i can't help it i maybe can edit it and like change some of it but my english is way far from being perfect
and my dyslexia doesn't help me at all. Garamma isn't my thing.
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what are we going to do about them? yelling shut up doesn't help. you can mute them
yourself but most people doesn't know how to do that or even care they just yell at them.
i tried to !call but the song was already over before the admin came in and asked what's up

:) but the mic spammer left the game end of the story . THE END

there was nothing we could do about it just !call and home for the best

and i am sure that he wouldn't listen if the admin said "stop mic spamming" / "stop playing Music or songs in the voice chat"

and same thing if the admin had a Mic and asked the person if he or she could cool down and stop for his own good.

!mute would help but is that the right thing to do? ;) yes

it is okay you can wait, and also thank you for the info about my bans and such stuff i honestly had no memory of that i am wondering what i did to deserve that

oh i was spamming and didn't listen to the admin

i am wondering how things could have gone so bad. i hope it will never happen again
@Ketteii That doesn't even matter lol. Our servers aren't English, they're European English speaking servers. Difference is that half the people in the server probably won't be able to speak decent English but on the other side in a UK server, mostly likely that everyone's Brit.

As I stated, @Onelight having spelling mistakes doesn't even matter. Most admins do it and it's not a problem (if not all)
Not really sure if someone who admits to not having the best grasp of English should be an admin for an English server.

It's a decent app nonetheless.

the way i talk and speak out doesn't change the way i Think.
Right so lets see. I have no reason to give you a -1 so I'm probably not going to. But I'm still uncertain about giving you either a +1 or a neutral.

You might have admin material in you, but I've never seen it. This means that you're missing some rule enforcement ingame (this isn't a requirement to apply, but we like to see our applicants enforce rules nonetheless). Rule enforcing leads to the conclusion that you know the server rules, and, of course, admins need to know them by hand. This will also really help further on when everything is set up to choose whether you get accepted or not.
As for the binds, I preferably believe an admin shouldn't have any of them (not counting the "rule break warning" binds). They can contribute to more spam, seeing as admins are suppose to be a good example of a decent player on the server. Here's an example: players who come across an admin with a lenny bind will think it's ok to abuse it, and when they get called out for it, they start complaining that "admin A spams binds too!". But this is just my opinion, and I think I'm not the only one saying it. So my advise would be to remove the binds.

Overall, you app seems good. Missing some rule mentionings, but that's okay. I think we can work on them if you get accepted as admin, I mean that's what the trial fase is for right? ^^
Also mentioning your "english": it might not be the best, but I feel like you're trying your hardest to improve it. And that's acceptable in my book.

So for now I'm giving you a neutral. But I'm willing to change my vote to a +1 in the near future, depending on how you'll act ingame from now on.
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Right so lets see. I have no reason to give you a -1 so I'm probably not going to. But I'm still uncertain about giving you either a +1 or a neutral.

You might have admin material in you, but I've never seen it. This means that you're missing some rule enforcement ingame (this isn't a requirement to apply, but we like to see our applicants enforce rules nonetheless). Rule enforcing leads to the conclusion that you know the server rules, and, of course, admins need to know them by hand. This will also really help further on when everything is set up to choose whether you get accepted or not.
As for the binds, I preferably believe an admin shouldn't have any of them (not counting the "rule break warning" binds). They can contribute to more spam, seeing as admins are suppose to be a good example of a decent player on the server. Here's an example: players who come across an admin with a lenny bind will think it's ok to abuse it, and when they get called out for it, they start complaining that "admin A spams binds too!". But this is just my opinion, and I think I'm not the only one saying it. So my advise would be to remove the binds.

Overall, you app seems good. Missing some rule mentionings, but that's okay. I think we can work on them if you get accepted as admin, I mean that's what the trial fase is for right? ^^
Also mentioning your "english": it might not be the best, but I feel like you're trying your hardest to improve it. And that's acceptable in my book.

So for now I'm giving you a neutral. But I'm willing to change my vote to a +1 in the near future, depending on how you'll act ingame from now on.

Mmh about the Binds Removing some pointless meme binds to Supporting binds like admin textes like for exemple do not play any songs/Musics in the voice chat, because it will be faster then Typing it over and over again each time someone is spamming songs and bad quality Musics to annoy the members

and about my English i can still talk like normally like everyone else or at least try to. but it doesn't mean that i can not warn someone i mean i am pretty sure that they will understand if i say or asking them to stop or that their jokes are getting alittle bit way to mean and it is enough.

anyways thank you so much for believing me and not giving me a
-1 because that would hurt me alot. even if it is your own choice. thank you so much :nekoheart:

my English might be terrible but i am working on it.
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"anyways thank you so much for believing me and not giving me a -1 because that would hurt me alot. even if it is your own choice. thank you so much :nekoheart:"
Okay, this did it for me. This clearly shows to me you can't handle negative feedback wich is a requirement if you want to be an admin. Saying that people who give you negative feedback would hurt you alot is kindof a dickmove to say... almost guiltripping

On the server i don't see you enforcing rules, the fact you said yourself you don't want to apply perms EVEN TO it is a way of handling things, wich tells me you don't really seem to agreed with the way things are supposed to be handled

""Mute 60 min > 120 min and if the same person keeps comming back after when the mute is gone i would probebly give them another mute but this time it will be for a longer time but giving out Perma Mutes isn't my thing i do not like to do that because people can always change "

Another thing
, i have checked your steam profile from time to time and it always had sexual themed pictures on it... Currently it is in this state

Advertising Furry porn site

and this....

I can give a few more reason but these ones are pretty much the biggest issues IMO
im giving a -1 for ff2

Idk how other people think about it, but i don't think you are admin material..
Goodluck on your app nonetheless
"anyways thank you so much for believing me and not giving me a -1 because that would hurt me alot. even if it is your own choice. thank you so much :nekoheart:"
Okay, this did it for me. This clearly shows to me you can't handle negative feedback wich is a requirement if you want to be an admin. Saying that people who give you negative feedback would hurt you alot is kindof a dickmove to say... almost guiltripping

On the server i don't see you enforcing rules, the fact you said yourself you don't want to apply perms EVEN TO it is a way of handling things, wich tells me you don't really seem to agreed with the way things are supposed to be handled

""Mute 60 min > 120 min and if the same person keeps comming back after when the mute is gone i would probebly give them another mute but this time it will be for a longer time but giving out Perma Mutes isn't my thing i do not like to do that because people can always change "

Another thing
, i have checked your steam profile from time to time and it always had sexual themed pictures on it... Currently it is in this state

Advertising Furry porn site

and this....

I can give a few more reason but these ones are pretty much the biggest issues IMO
im giving a -1 for ff2

Idk how other people think about it, but i don't think you are admin material..
Goodluck on your app nonetheless

:heavy2: i don't Think my own artstyle of making my profile has anything to do with being a admin or not because why would that matter to the people on the server? even if i had a Hillary's son it wouldn't matter and if i Was girl and only posted Justin B artwork on my profile. please that doesn't mean anything xd . just saying that it is not a real reason

but i would love to hear the other reasons you have because i Think it is importent to hear all the things why i shouldn't become an admin because if some reason is honestly bad like for a Exemple " this person shouldn't become an admin because he's a Troll and here is some proof of that " i would probebly feel bad about it.

but my profile and artworks " eh " i do not know how you feel about that but ( FOR ME ) it doesn't matter i am not checking up all the admins profiles and watching their artworks and if i find something lewd i would have been disapointed because how descusting this police is.. no i wouldn't do that i have no idea what you guys are into or not it is not importent to me

i can Always try to fix my mistakes and become a better person

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