Completed Lingering map thats needs to be removed (1 Viewer)

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Gameserver Admin
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Gameserver Admin
May 22, 2020
So i was playing Deathrun late at night when i saw this map dr_mandrillmaze_v2_4 is still in the pool and was wondering if we could also remove it cause duo the humiliation ending has some racist stuff and n-words in it. Prob got looked over when other maps got removed but here il mention it anyways.

tnx solar
first thing you see when you look the map up, nothing happened with it though
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first thing you see when you look the map up, nothing happened with it though
Well that was prob back then but i think now that alot of maps are removed duo reason i think it would be fair to include this and close the topic off dont you think too?
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Considering that it was brought up a while ago nothing much has changed, the fix that Husky made and linked is no longer accessable so our only option is to remove the map.
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