Completed [JB] Rule regarding regiving LR (1 Viewer)

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Nergal Nergalton

Gameserver Admin
Staff member
Gameserver Admin
Aug 31, 2021
This is NOT a stupid, poorly thought suggestion. This is not something that randomly out of nowhere came to my mind or related to an obscure rule/minigame nobody gives a shit about. This is also not like the stupid "Mapchange LR" suggestion I made in September that I agree was poorly though out. This suggestion regards something regarding LR that I recently saw in a report.

There is currently nothing in the rules saying the warden has to remove and regive LR if the LR receiver requests it. While there are some scenarios where I think the warden should be allowed to decline regiving LR if they want to (say, if the LR receiver is just constantly changing his mind on what LR he wants to have, or of the RED proceeds to rebel immediately after choosing their LR), there are also some scenarios where I do believe it's unfair if the warden decides to decline regiving LR (such as if mapvote interferes and closes the menu, basically, anything beyond the LR receiver's control).

The reason I bring this up is because the rules not saying anything about regiving LR, and thus de facto allowing warden full control over this decision, can lead to some scenarios that could lead to conflict:
- A warden who is willing to regive LR anytime and never declines a request to do so could end up doing countless regives to a RED who can't make up their mind and thus stall the round.
- On the flipside, a warden who is unwilling to regive LR, saying "nothing in the rules says I have to!", could do this in a scenario such as if mapvote interferes and closes the LR menu where it would legitimately be unfair for the LR receiver.

I've given up options on what the rule regarding this should be.
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Should be common sense to revive LR under the circumstances of map vote or if they blatantly misimputed. But I think LR reciever should only be entitled to one or regive. So they don't abuse it. Any more regives should be at the wardens discretion.
Should be common sense to revive LR under the circumstances of map vote or if they blatantly misimputed. But I think LR reciever should only be entitled to one or regive. So they don't abuse it. Any more regives should be at the wardens discretion.
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There's times when people misclick and accidentally pick something they don't want, so something like 1 or 2 regives seems like the best option.
Restarted the poll between the top 2 votes.
Poll will close in 1 week.
unless im guardbanned beyond belief im still gonna regive it cuz im not a dickhead

Wardens are now required to regive LR upon request.
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