Declined [JB] Last day warday (1 Viewer)

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Nergal Nergalton

Gameserver Admin
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Gameserver Admin
Aug 31, 2021
Retracting my previous suggestion, as my mentor @Semicolon Backslash gave me a much better idea to eliminate the “wasted last round LR” problem.

The last round of a map will be warday (a day that doesn’t end in LR), with the location being up to the warden to decide.

However, as it is hard to determine what to round will be last, I’ve given options of how much time needs to be remaining to allow a warday. This isn’t something that should be hard forced, as a round that starts at 9 minutes of the map remaining might take 10 minutes.

As well, I do think custom LRs, as well as Freeday LRs, HHH, and Rocket days, which warday would interfere with, should be allowed to override it.

As a bonus, RTD, tiny Mann, low gravity, and melee only wardays will be possible.
warday is lame zzzzzzzzzzz 😴
How will this be implemented and enforced exactly? this seems like a quite challenging idea to have enforced in the server at large and in my opinion would lead to alot of complications and confusion around the server.

would we punish blues who don’t enforce this rule change or is it just to make the rules more lenient on the last few minutes of a server?

are we gonna introduce a server message, much like the “Last guard kills all” to inform people that its nearly the last round?

I think there are alot of angles on this that haven’t been touched on that would be very much appreciated to know because right now this feels like a disaster waiting to happen if implemented sloppily, I personally wouldn’t be opposed to stretching the rules on that to keep a last round fresh.
I think that maybe a small plugin that announces something like "The next round is a warday" at 1 minute on the map could make this work. Otherwise I'm not too sure. I think its a pretty simple plugin to code if you use sourcemod's csay feature for the command.
unnecessary + lets let the hg chainers chain across maps lol kappa
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Whilst I find this to be a very creative idea. I simply don't see a good enough reason to add this?

Yes people do sometimes "slightly" complain about receiving an lr they cannot use in the next round. but I've never experienced it to be something that is "Ruining" the point of LR, or Winning the round.

And one important thing is that fact that you would lose an entire round because the map would force into Warday, which lets be honest always ends in 1/2 minutes
My vote leans significantly close to a hard no, but I am putting my vote at 1:00 left because I definetly see a vision for this

Is there any way that you could see this being implemented realistically without annoying a lot of people with a sudden rule change that dictates a round with only the map timer deciding that its time for it to be done?
But But But there is no map change on my favorite 24/7 Minecraft Wonderland server!!!!
Realistically though feeling a solid maybe on this. As a resident blu stan, nothing sucks more than waiting 5 minutes every warday to go kill the 20-50% of reds just camping the designated spot's exit. I could see some annoying map change delay from this, but it's not like that doesn't happen anyways from time to time.
I'd say an edited warday could work for last round, the last round being a round starting with less than 2:00 minutes of map time remaining. If blus could leave their designated spot after 3 minutes or so, rather than 5, I think this could be a somewhat rare and fun way to end a map's rotation.

13 in favor of adding it in some capacity 25 against.

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