Declined [JB] jb_minecraft_z (2 Viewers)

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Feb 27, 2024
a new minecraft themed jb map with cool games
Screenshot 2024-03-01 002050.png
Screenshot 2024-03-01 002112.png
Screenshot 2024-03-01 002129.png
Screenshot 2024-03-01 002157.png
Screenshot 2024-03-01 002233.png
Screenshot 2024-03-01 002301.png


  • jb_minecraft_z_tf2_v3.bsp
    39.9 MB · Views: 26
6th image leads to a pathway to arena with multiple small ammo packs in it and the 7th is a pathway to armory with both not needing to be broken and almost all of the ammo spots are close to or are in spawn area (with the exception of the second image and all the small ammo respawns) and many of these are in open site with no breakables to conceal them with the one in pool being the biggest outlier
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I'm sorry but I really feel this map should be worked on more to iron out some bugs and other stuff before it's eligible to be in our map pool.
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unlike jb_minecraft nightfall, i like how this looks and the minigames and that you can actually rebel, but since i didnt actually test this map, i can agree whit poacher that this map does have too much ammo spots which leads to guards having a brain error which one of the 6 ammo spots to go. and as i also looked in mehgends video, mfkers could potentially shoot rockets/stickies in there before cells even open.
im looking fowards for this map to be added in the future if it gets denied for now
this map looks super clustered and claustrophobic, too much ammo on it, and incredibly easy to freekill as shown by mehgend.
also it seems like RTV fodder if its added just like wip or complex and i doubt it'll make it past a year without getting at least 3 forum post about removing it.
No way this map should be added let alone considered.

I think what you have done so far is pretty good although there are a few things I think you can work on.

  • Gameplay discrepancies between CS:S and TF2
  • Sound Design
  • Other Improvements

Let me elaborate

CS:S and TF2 jailbreak despite sharing the same name play very different from each other simply due to the nature of their games. For example CS:S tends to have guns lying around everywhere whereas TF2 usually only has a couple ammo spots per map. Below I've listed some of the problems and solutions to fix them.
  • Excessive Ammo kits
    • I understand the purpose was likely to recreate all the cs:s gun locations 1:1 but even a small ammo kit in tf2 is more powerful than most cs:s spots, I think you should cut down on 90% of the kits and only leave the ones behind secrets or other hard to reach place
  • Claustrophobic Conditions
    • A CS:S playermodel is noticeably smaller than a TF2 one (comparison picture below), there are 2 ways you can tackle this size difference, you can resize the players or the map, resizing players is easier but can mess up player knockback, resizing the map will make the map a nightmare to edit in the future and may have other consequences. I would recommend resizing the players I have attached a vmf that contains a player resizer.

  • The armory pushback thing
    • I actually don't think this is a horrid idea, it was just executed poorly, most TF2 maps allow blue to re-enter their own armory (not counting the secret) so adding a team filter that disables the push for blues would fix that. It could also be improved by adding a func_respawnroomvisualiser so that reds don't get confused as to why they can't enter the area. Alternatively you could replace the push with a regular armory door.
  • Games Don't always kill
    • Due to the class's health difference (125 for light and as high as 300 for heavy) and not to mention some classes having passive regen and medic overheal, most TF2 maps prefer to instantly kill classes as opposed to slow damage, the solution is to increase the damage to the point where it would instantly kill all classes. I would leave explosives such as the tnt in tnt course unchanged due to the aoe damage they have.
  • Speed differences
    • Unlike CS:S all TF2 classes have different speeds, you can fix this problem by manually overriding each class's speed so that they all move at the same speed, I have attached a vmf containing the necessary triggers to do this, make sure to reset the speed changes after they leave the game, I would also only do this for the racing minigames.
  • Cells open too early
    • Cells usually take a minute to open in TF2, just change the open time to 60 seconds.

The map is fairly quiet all things considered here are some things that could use sound effects

  • Medic and any healing stations
  • Buttons
  • Ambient background sounds/music
  • Ladding climbing SFX
  • Start/Stop Sounds for games
These are all optional but I think they would greatly improve the feeling of the map

One thing that I've learned from my own CS port is that directly porting everything 1:1 from CS doesn't work some changes have to be made to suit the game better and sometimes the map does need an improvement or two.
  • Lava should ignite players
    • This can be done by replacing the trigger_hurt's in the lava with a trigger_ignite with high damage values
  • Fatter Buttons
    • The map already doesn't commit to mc style buttons, just make them all fat for ease of use
  • Explain Spleef/Replace/block off
    • I could not figure out how to start spleef instructions would be nice, if it doesn't work then just seal it off or replace it with a new minigame.
  • Recall Teleports
    • Games like bhop can have reds get themselves into place where blues have to go into the minigame to chase them, a recall button would be appreciated in these games
  • Soccer doesn't kill
    • TF2 doesn't play soccer like CS does, we like punting the ball so hard that it kills people, add a trigger_hurt to your ball so I can kill people
  • Make the doors non-stretched
    • The doors look off, I know you stretched them so default TF2 classes could fit in them but they look bad, either remove them or resize the players and then them.

Again I think the work you've done so is pretty good, I think the layout of the map could lead to some interesting rounds, just fix these things first. Also don't take my word as the gospel, these are just personally what I would do, I'm also only one guy others may find problems that I overlooked, always get as many playtesters as you can. Good luck! And if you have any questions or if you need me to elaborate more feel or just need help in general free to ask!


    2.7 KB · Views: 44
the bhop minigame is fine until you're here, im pretty sure it is possible to get past it but i think its a little too difficult

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Negate was the wrong word, it's more of an equalizer. It should make all classes the same speed so heavies, soldiers, demos should move faster.
yeah but its so buggy, sometimes i move at the right speed, sometimes the speed doesnt change , sometimes the speed gets way too fast

Dunno what to say it works for me, do you have the filters set up properly, is the trigger covering the whole minigame?
no the triggers are not covering the entire minigame
The class filtered triggers should all be covering the entire minigame, the one that resets the speed (the one off to the side in the original speed_negate vmf) is a redundant failsafe and can be ignored. If you want to use it put it over the exits.

I apologize for the confusion I should've specified that part.
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Im a bit worried about all the rather narrow sightlines and the easy escape possibilities.
Combined with the amount of ammo spots im worried that the blus may have a very rough time if they arent full focused.
music button armory that spawns 3 out of 5 rounds
updated buttons
updated deathrun buttons
added victory sounds
updated football
updated bhop so it has a wall and recall
removed some ammo
added windows in cell area
balanced racing games
added medic sounds
decreased player size

if there any bugs let me know


  • jb_minecraft_z_tf2_v4.rar
    38.2 MB · Views: 27
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