Completed Update for dr_cocainum_xmas_panda? Feedback needed. (1 Viewer)

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Oct 25, 2020
I've been thinking of making an update to my version of dr_cocainum and wanna hear your opinions, especially deathrun players. I've been a bit inspired by this post about a reworked version of cocainum.

- Change to 50/50 doors - When a player walks through a correct door, wrong doors will close, similiar to dr_r60d
- The spinner after 3 50/50 doors will be a trap that will start spinning faster upon activation for a few seconds
- Last trap reworked? (Looking for ideas for this one. The current one is boring and can be easily avoided.)
- Potentially decrease the speed of the stalin wall in the soviet run minigame? From what I've seen, a lot of people are now struggling to finish the minigame after the update and it's not picked as often. If you have any other suggestions, I'd like to hear them.
- Freerun button (personally I see no reason to not add it but I'm putting it here anyway)
I've been thinking of making an update to my version of dr_cocainum and wanna hear your opinions, especially deathrun players. I've been a bit inspired by this post about a reworked version of cocainum.

- Change to 50/50 doors - When a player walks through a correct door, wrong doors will close, similiar to dr_r60d
- The spinner after 3 50/50 doors will be a trap that will start spinning faster upon activation for a few seconds
- Last trap reworked? (Looking for ideas for this one. The current one is boring and can be easily avoided.)
- Potentially decrease the speed of the stalin wall in the soviet run minigame? From what I've seen, a lot of people are now struggling to finish the minigame after the update and it's not picked as often. If you have any other suggestions, I'd like to hear them.
- Freerun button (personally I see no reason to not add it but I'm putting it here anyway)
The door closing would be a great qql change for the map, no reason to not add that from my eyes.

I would keep the last trap how it is except that the trap can either hit you all the time or that it teleports you close to the explosion before it explodes, either or will work in my opinion
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- Potentially decrease the speed of the stalin wall in the soviet run minigame? From what I've seen, a lot of people are now struggling to finish the minigame after the update and it's not picked as often. If you have any other suggestions, I'd like to hear them.
I wouldn't decrease the speed, in my opinion it's almost perfect how it is right now.

As you can see, when you finish the minigame the normal way, the stalin wall is a few meters behind you.

And here you can see that, when you speedrun the minigame, that the wall has reached 2/3 of the parkour. When you decrease the speed of stalin wall, it would only reach the half of the parkour, if players speedrun the minigame.

I really like the increased speed on your updated version. It adds more stress, requires more focus/skill and makes the minigame more fun. So please let it be as it is.
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maybe 20 or 10% faster on the stallin wall would make it a bigger challange or activate hitler 100% of the time at the end would be an option.
As for the tree at the end i would suggest increasing the explosion radius so it hits the whole area if thats possible
The rest i would agree on with the doors
+1 to all the ideas mentioned by Kruphixx. Although instead of reworking the entirety of the last trap, as Solar said, I would just increase the explosion radius since it is REALLY small.

I would also like to suggest three changes to the map:
- If possible, moving up the activator's button for the bridge trap by the two towers in the middle of the map. The reason for this change is that the overpass is way too high for you to be looking at the players crossing it and the button at the same time, making it really hard to actually kill players with it.
- The bhop trap just after the spinner (disappearing platforms) could be reworked so that it doesn't only close off the middle part of the trap but also closes off the beginning and the end of it, requiring players to hop from one platform to another instead of just being able to exit the trap. I deem said activation trap quite useless at the moment.
- PLEASE add a motivator to this map, it happens time and again that players delay the round for a good amount of minutes at the 50/50 and the 33/33/33 doors. It is just not fun to be waiting there so long for said traps to be beaten by the runners.
Any ideas for the motivator? Like what could it be? Classic motivator with a model or neonoir-style motivator (gas) that slowly kills? Or maybe something else?
or a santa like the one they used in iceworld and make it a decent speed cause some maps motivator is slow enough already
Alright so I want to propose another change that may be a bit controversial - straight up removing the second set of 50/50 doors.

People tend to delay a lot at that part and it's one of the main reasons some people dislike cocainum. I think having one set of 50/50 doors is enough. I don't think a motivator would even need to be added if I made that change. Let me know what you think.
In my experience it's the 3 doors trap where the main delaying happens.
In my experience it's the 3 doors trap where the main delaying happens.
you know thats what hes talking about here the 2ND set of doors
removing the chance doors at the 2nd part might be a solution but it keeps the bhoppers from ending the map if the blue is not paying attention. Dunno if it would be for the better to remove those but that my point on it
or a slow opening door maybe like in office just thinking of stuff thats not hard to add
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Pretty much done with everything. If everything is fine then I will post this in suggestions.

All of the changes:

- Added a freerun button which disables all traps (except for the automatic trap at the start) and disables humiliation
- Reworked BLU's side of the map
- Removed the second set of 50/50 doors, added a slow automatic door there instead
- The spinning wall after the the automatic door is now a trap, which upon activation starts spinning faster for 5 seconds
- Activating the trap with the disappearing platforms (the one after spinner trap) now also blocks off the beginning and the end of the trap, not just the middle
- Increased the explosion radius of the last trap
- Stalin wall has been made a tiny bit faster


Screenshots of some of the changes:

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Bumping+moved thread suggestion as requested from the creator of the thread. Added a poll, feedback like those above would be gladly appeciated as poll closes in around 10 days.
Last update to this version:

- Added freerun music - "Chicken On The Rocks"

Any ideas for the motivator? Like what could it be? Classic motivator with a model or neonoir-style motivator (gas) that slowly kills? Or maybe something else?
since there is a soviet speedrun game at the end.....santa stalin. fits the theme very well :)
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