Declined [JB] disco change (2 Viewers)

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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2023
the previous suggestion wasnt as good as i tought it'd be. ok so my problems with disco where warden would say "last person to stop moving dies" is pretty much similar to first reaction last reaction in some way. i am aware that this minigame isnt played as often as it is altough it is making it unfair since both of theese rely on ping which affect other peoples prespective on wether they were the last one to move or not which would simply lead to too much confusion over if warden freekilled or not. It is also annoying to play the minigame with too many reds, due to some discos being cramped up, the person that is actually kos can simply start moving within the crowd to avoid getting killed just so the round can get delayed. And most of the time when it becomes a tie too many times the warden wouldnt care much and kill the person HE saw move last which would then, as i said, lead to confusion. my solution is that we either. 1) just ban the minigame | 2) add a cap of 6 or less reds to play | 3) keep the minigame.
Okay just real quick question.

How many times have you played disco (this way specifically) in the last say.... 30 days?
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Okay just real quick question.

How many times have you played disco (this way specifically) in the last say.... 30 days?
Not too many times, but probally stll happens a little time to time for a warden to do at one point.
could you give a number real quick by chance? roughly?
In the last 30 days? that sounds unlikely but for my arguement i'll go ahead and trust you.

This minigame has been played 4 times in a matter of 30 days and you genuinely believe that this minigame is such a problem that it should be removed? It's not even played all that often and i can provide anecdotal evidence that when i play it i havent been frustrated and it seemed to go well, im sure others could provide it as well. To me it sounds like you had a bad experience with the minigame and your response is to have it removed or changed and i really do not see it as such a big deal we should remove it.

Its also the only disco minigame thats playable on maps without map specific minigames so it would literally end any usability with disco on majority of the maps.

This minigame is not as big of a problem as you think imo.
Bambi does mass disco everytime we are on Stormfront with him. It’s his new thing.

The problem with banning disco completely is that it would render many discos useless, except for the ones with built-in minigames like on Hopjb or Carcerem. However, I am not against capping it at a certain number of REDs. Mass freeze dance is extremely difficult to do due to so many players to keep track of + the tight spaces of many discos.
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The problem with banning disco completely is that it would render many discos useless, except for the ones with built-in minigames like on Hopjb or Carcerem.
My thoughts exactly. Though other minigames could be put in place, perhaps arena replacement, theatre styled minigames, etc etc.

As it stands, this game is on par with the likes of first reaction last reaction, soccer trivia, and well any other ping based minigames. If we are so keen on wanting ping based minigames banned, why is this any different?

The argument "oh this minigame is barely played so that means its barely an issue" is such a garbage excusec just say "lets not deal with it". It's a problem if people bring it up. I've been in this community for years, and i always heard about disco being unfun for it being a ping based game. It gives the warden the excuse to freekill reds in anyway he seems fit because since its all ping based, its difficult to even argue against it. It's also even more of an issue when there is 20+ reds crammed in doing the minigame, i can shoot just about any red and get away with it.

The minigame either needs a cap on player count to at least alleviate the obvious freekils that occur or just banned completely.
Removing the whole game just because of ping is a bit extreeme because every multiplayer game has some ping issue (any fps games like CS, R6 or even COD). There are ways to 'cheese the game' like when I play on blu I've watched
smart reds just do literally the bare minimum movements and they survive to the end because the warden is not competent enough to clock it, my point being if your smart enough you would do the minimum moves or just dont hold your movement keys down as long.

I do think that the argument "it is barley played" is a valid point becasue it honestly is rarely played like maybe once a round in a whole map rotation, which is why I think some people are bigging up this whole issue.

-->When a warden does mass disco with 20-15 people its stupid because its never clear who was moving last, I think a cap is too technical for the everyday JB warden and I don't think most people would be able to follow a niche rule.

-->I'm not against a cap but I think it would be much easier to ban "mass disco" rather then the whole minigame out right, if "mass disco" is to unclear, just say only play with10 reds or less (an easy figure to remember).

I think that with a small amount of players it is fair game.

Banning the whole game out right is dumb as theres literally far more unfair games then disco such as dinner/theatre where I see biased blus vote for players who are their friends over new players. My point here being that there just some gamemodes which are unfair but still are fun to play.
The problem with banning disco completely is that it would render many discos useless, except for the ones with built-in minigames like on Hopjb or Carcerem. However, I am not against capping it at a certain number of REDs. Mass freeze dance is extremely difficult to do due to so many players to keep track of + the tight spaces of many discos.
I pretty much agree with Denzel. Outright banning disco all together would just make disco pretty pointless unless someone creates a very fun minigame that involves the use of disco (Surely someone can come up with one right? =D). I would say it is a pretty lame minigame but I won't say that being lame shouldn't outright warrant a ban but playing this with a lot of reds leads to situations where you can pretty much stall for a very long time simply because there are so many reds protecting you. Limiting the cap to 6 is fine but I don't think it would work as I would explain later.

The argument "oh this minigame is barely played so that means its barely an issue" is such a garbage excusec just say "lets not deal with it". It's a problem if people bring it up. I've been in this community for years, and i always heard about disco being unfun for it being a ping based game. It gives the warden the excuse to freekill reds in anyway he seems fit because since its all ping based, its difficult to even argue against it. It's also even more of an issue when there is 20+ reds crammed in doing the minigame, i can shoot just about any red and get away with it.
A cap is unnecessary. It's still ping-based whether 20 dudes are playing or 2 are. Just get rid of it.

I feel like the stem of every argument against disco is being ping based. While I do agree that ping based minigames suck and should never exist because it completely denies any skill involved, I don't think we can solve this one sadly. I have a hitch feeling someone is gonna comment that trivia is a ping based minigame that involves you hitting the button as fast as possible to answer the question and sometimes the questions that the warden gives out are outright balls. Then it leads to an argument where we favor trivia staying over disco because trivia is more fun which leads to bias.

The point is...

If we remove/ban disco, then every map that has disco becomes useless unless there is a minigame attached to disco that isn't ping based. Then you will have to deal with disco enjoyers possibly bringing back disco or them banning trivia or other ping based minigames.

If we limit the cap to 6, its becomes much more bareable for the blues to identify who is KOS but it still doesn't solve the fact that it is still a ping based minigame.

In my eyes, its basically unfixable. You could try to find another alternative solution to make disco more "fun" but I feel like it would create more problems than anything.
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Outright banning disco all together would just make disco pretty pointless unless someone creates a very fun minigame that involves the use of disco (Surely someone can come up with one right? =D)
I've seen in the past (on other Jailbreak servers and this one) a variation of Drip or Drown be done in disco where the REDs present "dance moves" (usually a taunt) and the BLUs judge them in the same way they do for theater and diner.
Ping Based minigame.
How often it's played is irrelevant, it should be removed on premise alone.
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I feel this suggestion is a bit niche in nature. The issues with it being essentially just first reaction last reaction are evident. But not enough to warrant banning it. If I'm ever doing disco, which is rarely anyways. I like to implement the order "be constantly jumping while the music is on." As it dampens the effect of ping on the minigame, as it moreso crutches on who just happens to be in the earliest part of the jump cycle when the music stops. Which isn't effected by ping that much. I wouldn't mind a player cap on the minigame. But I'd say it should be around 10 which is still manageable on most discos.
I've seen in the past (on other Jailbreak servers and this one) a variation of Drip or Drown be done in disco where the REDs present "dance moves" (usually a taunt) and the BLUs judge them in the same way they do for theater and diner.
Adding on to this I think I remember a couple of Discos also having a bar in them, where you could do bar (basically diner but with bar drinks). Minecraft and Spacejail are two I know of that have a bar instead their Disco.
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It's not even played all that often

The problem with banning disco completely is that it would render many discos useless,

Are we really missing out on anything then?

that trivia is a ping based minigame

One of the biggest problems with most ping based minigames is that different people see slightly different things happen at different times.


While trivia is still ping based, the buttons at the very least clearly show who pressed the button first removing that layer of confusion whereas disco doesn't have that luxury.
Altough people dont want it to be banned. Its pretty much a loophole to doing first reaction last reaction but way worse.
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