
  1. Autismo

    Pending [FF2] hardware resuggestion

    hello, from having heard and knowing that ff2 currently no longer has anyone currently working on it, but still the hope that someone later down the line may appear to breath life back into the server, potentially taking this suggestion and the other ones before that've been suggested like mlg...
  2. faithinhumanity

    Declined Admin Application 01.02.24

    My Username is faith. Steam32 ID: STEAM_0:1:70602146 I am currently 21 years old , living in germany Current Playtime on Freak Fortess 2 Panda Community #13 is 24D and 9h. Link to my Sourcebans record was not available (404 Not Found) but i got gagged like 2 times. We can discuss that...
  3. Kruphixx

    Awaiting Feedback [FF2] Remove vsh_rats_office

    This map has a ton of abusable sticky/telefrag spots and engi spots and just gets rtv'd quickly most of the time, also fairly small for a FF2 map. Just seems generally disliked by the community. Also I can't really be bothered to keep "fixing" it, unless someone else wants to give it a try. I'm...
  4. Kruphixx

    Awaiting Feedback [FF2] Remove or nerf Fat Scout & Bison/Escape Plan strats

    There are currently two incredibly annoying strats on the server that I think need to be handled in some way. You can guess what Fat Scout is, if you have a Family Business equipped you gain faster movement speed the fire rate is also a bit faster. Bison/Escape plan strat is similiar in a way...
  5. Kruphixx

    Awaiting Feedback [FF2 ONLY] Map update/fix for vsh_jealo_rc1

    An update to the map which fixes an issue that prevents bosses from being able to use point-teleport ability. The issue was apparently caused by broken collisions of some props, disabling them did the trick. Map file attached below. Again, this is for FF2 only.
  6. Manvid

    Accepted Report against Deadeye

    Steam name: Deadeye Steam ID32: STEAM_0:1:461436604 Server: Server 13 - Freak Fortress Links: https://hlstats.panda-community.com/hlstats.php?mode=playerinfo&player=2806108 Rules broken: 2a - Offensive/Inappropiate language Evidence:
  7. Kruphixx

    Awaiting Feedback [FF2/VSH] Stripper config for vsh_granturks_v5_02 (bug fix)

    This is a small fix for the map. The map has a secret that upon activation launches players into the air for a bit and changes the gravity temporarily using a trigger, which causes the Hale's weighdown to stop working completely. This issue happens on both servers. The attached stripper simply...
  8. Cream Tea

    Awaiting Feedback [FF2 / VSH] Update vsh_urban_works to rc3

    There are a lot of changes that have been implemented in rc2 and then rc3 so I recommend checking out the gamebanana page to see the full list of changes for each version. The most obvious changes are with the lighting which has been given quite an overhaul. The last part of the sewers have also...
  9. UberMedicFully

    Awaiting Feedback [FF2] Boss Replacement for Gambler

    Showcase Hello, Since Gambler is quite broken also to the point where one of his Abilities can cause a Server or client crashes, I would like to suggest a boss i made within a few days. His name is Agent Shadow. (very original) He's a Spy boss with a few abilities, one of them triggering at...
  10. UberMedicFully

    Awaiting Feedback [FF2] Boss Replacement for Easter Bunny (BomberZ)

    Hello, today I am suggesting a boss replacement for Easter Bunny. The Boss can be found here, although the changes that will be made to him are not in the config. (couldn't find any better images for him that is showing him from the front. lmao) The Boss called BomberZ, is a Explosion Rage...
  11. Manvid

    Accepted Report Against UnleashedWhale

    Steam name: UnleashedWhale #RIP Prigorzhin Steam ID32: STEAM_0:0:114713095 Server: Server #13 - Freak Fortress 2 Links: https://hlstats.panda-community.com/hlstats.php?mode=playerinfo&player=2771986 Rules broken: 2a - Offensive and inappropiate language Evidence:
  12. Ham

    Awaiting Feedback [FF2] Replace Hatsune Miku with MLG Sniper

    No specific reason, Hatsune Miku is just bad and annoying to go up against. People on the server keep saying MLG Sniper getting removed is a shame, so I made this. UberMedicFully should have the required CFG file somewhere in the archived files, so I'm not gonna include it here. Also self-made...
  13. Manvid

    Awaiting Feedback [FF2]Changes and nerfs to the Backstab and Market Gardener

    I'm rather curious and, in a biased opinion, frustrated of how the backstab damage works. However I would rather like that the backstab and market gardeners would deal the same kind of damage as the backstabs, since I hold them on a similar skill level, as well as risk factor. But I am making...
  14. Kruphixx

    Pending [FF2/VSH] Stripper config for arena_hydrothunder_b4

    Hello, this stripper adds some additional health packs to the map since the map lacks them (currently there's only one, small one) This makes it so that there's now 3 medium health packs. One of them replaces the small one, and the other ones replace the medium ammo packs in the tunnels in the...
  15. Kruphixx

    Awaiting Feedback [FF2/VSH] Map removal suggestion - vsh_tower_of_peril_redux

    I think you can already tell what's wrong just by looking at the screenshot above. Really the main issue is the huge verticality this map has, which probably (most likely) can't be fixed with any updates. There's also some other issues, like the blue spawn which is completely underwater for...
  16. Kruphixx

    Pending [FF2/VSH] Map update for vsh_island_outpost & vsh_prison

    THIS IS FOR BOTH FF2 AND VSH. Changelog: Made the water an instant killzone for red team due to func_croc not working properly in certain situations (being able to survive with a dead ringer on VSH) Changed the teleport sound after hale falls into the water to a louder one Increased max...
  17. Heather

    Completed [VSH/FF2] Separate the VSH and FF2 map pools and changes

    Currently both game modes share the same map pools and sometimes share the same changes/additions to balance, I believe it might be time to change that VSH has mostly been changed on the whims of FF2 votes, receiving map additions/changes/removals based on their server's requirements. Sadly...
  18. Kruphixx

    Pending [FF2] Remove vsh_2fortdesk

    I think a lot of people already know what's wrong with this map, the map is so open that there's basically almost no cover for the hale. I don't think I've ever seen a hale win on this map when the server was above 15 players. I attempted to make some changes to the map but seems like they...
  19. Kruphixx

    Completed [FF2/VSH] Map update for arena_warehouse_remake

    I just released an update for the map mainly with many technical/visual improvements but there's also several gameplay changes thrown in there. https://gamebanana.com/mods/424189 Changelog: Changed the medium health packs near spawn exits to small ones Removed one of the health & ammo packs...
  20. Ham

    Completed [FF2] Boss replacement for Major Crits - Count Heavinch

    Why? Major Crits might be the second most unfun boss to fight, right behind Blightcaller (pre-rework). 15 seconds of ubercharge on rage, absurd amounts of health and insane mobility with his rocket jumps, ontop of all this he deals the same damage from all range due to crits and the sheer spam...