Accepted Jooni's Ban appeal (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Dec 11, 2023
What's your username? solitude

What is your SteamID? [U:1:1149742199]

What is your type of punishment? Ban

Where were you banned from? Servers

Who has punished you? I don't know, it only says by console.

Why were you punished? I got banned for "duplicate accounts" while this is only my primary account, i'm struggling to understand how i got banned for such a reason, It's my first time receiving the unusual ban. I think i may have changed names often which led the console thinking it's the duplicate account, or i may have been leaving or joining the server quickly such as retry in console.

Why should we revoke your punishment? I enjoy playing mge or others on your servers where i usually would play often.

Appears to be a false positive I've removed the account ban and the ip ban.
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