Answered Is warday with friendly fire allowed? (1 Viewer)

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Jun 8, 2020
It's not stated in the rules whether or not it's allowed, but then there was an admin on that said that warday with ff is illegal because it was hunger games with ammo but then @Jose Stalino says that other admins approved of this.

I'm not going to specify which admin(unless spoken otherwise), but I do remember an admin saying that warday with ff was illegal
It is allowed although BLU's cannot teamkill but reds can. Pretty obvious xD
Be sure to turn FF on when cell doors are open otherwise cell wars.
Weird. I remember doing it back in the old days when the admins allowed this for LR. Yet we hardly got any problems with Warday with FF Unless the BLU Teamkill :)
I have been saying its against the rules because in my eyes and my opinion, warday with ff is essentially HG with ammo. I recognize its in a grey area and i had talked to some other admins about it but from my memory I don't think much came of it. Adding on to this, I also think HNS with ff would count as 2 lrs but i am more lenient with it.

Edit: talked with admins, It's allowed!
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