Accepted dog admin app (1 Viewer)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2022

Steam32 ID

Your age

Current playtime on relevant server(s)
30d 11h

Link to your Sourcebans record
bans -
comms -

(If relevant) Who gave you permission to apply?
n/a, position is currently open for applications

Server you are applying for
US Jailbreak

General online times & time zone
weds/sun - 12am-7am / 8am-10am
every other day - 8am-10am

Do you have a working microphone?
(This is required for Jailbreak admins)

Previous experience as Admin or Moderator
Was previously a panda jb admin for 4 months, my prior application thread can be found here:

What would you say makes you a suitable candidate?
Gonna go ahead and get this out of the way really quick - I originally resigned due to real-life circumstances that don't involve jailbreak in any manner. Since resigning I've overcome those problems and have continued being a regular on jailbreak. While it's fun in it's own right I do encounter some egregious rulebreakers from time to time still, and since my free time hours are a bit funny admins tend to be in bed or are otherwise not in a position to handle calls when problems arise. I seek to help alleviate issues at these odd hours when I'm available and others are not, and given my playtime as well as prior history as an admin for a decent period of time I'd say I'm qualified for the job.

Punishment stacking:
1st offense - 6 hours
2nd offense - 12 hours
3rd offense - 1 day
4th offense - 3 days
5th offense - 1 week
6th offense - 1 month
7th offense - perma

1st offense - 120 minutes
2nd offense - 240 minutes
3rd offense - 360 minutes
4th offense - 480 minutes
5th offense - perma
Accidental MFK (first offense) - 360 minutes
2nd accidental MFK or intentional MFK - perma
Looks like I'm up first, good to see you applying Crubf.

Really this is a no brainer.

Most of our team already knew an app from you could be incoming and we've had nothing but positive things to share about you. You were a tremendous asset to the team during your previous time as admin here. You held down the fort when we had an admin shortage and were very active during your time. Your timezones fill out a good spot during dead times alongside @Grambam36 so i think that's another positive there. Only feedback i have for you is to try not to overwhelm yourself and try not to feel like you have to take every call. We are a team so feel free to rely on us and don't feel like you need to do everything yourself. Real life comes first so make sure you keep yourself mentally healthy and understand that we moderate this silly server for shits n kicks.

Please take the biggest +1 I have to offer.
Instant yes from me. You're chill, fun to play with, and are extremely knowledgeable of the rules. You also always bring receipts with footage, and are generally pretty nice and respectful. You are on very often, and I've seen pretty much no problems from you ever. I see you go on BLU when you think they need it, and I think that's a very respectable thing to do, and you rock it every time, always knowing what you are doing. I think you'd make a great addition to the JB team, 100%. I was actually looking forward to this application, and was hoping you'd fill one out. Now let's hope everything continues to go well :) +1 from me!
  • Friendly
Reactions: crubf
You were a great admin before, and still an exemplary regular.
  • In Love
Reactions: crubf
Hello, I like to give people something to work on, I’ll get back to you if I can find anything for you to improve upon.
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crubf I love you so very much and I would love you more if you became a part of our team again. +1 from me sir
  • Friendly
Reactions: crubf
You were an excellent admin during your last run here, the only issue I can remember you having during your last run was the occasional mistacking of a punishment which ain't exactly a big deal. Overall I'd love to have you back.

  • Informative
Reactions: crubf
With denzel inactive, all required feedback is here and now it's time to put this under review!

Any questions or inactivity during under review please let me know. Good luck ::):
accepted, welcome in the team.
your mentor during your trial phase will be @Ian
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