Recent content by blank ุ

  1. blank ุ


    I am glad that my maps provided a sufficient enough challenge for secrets such that there's a handful in each map that haven't been found yet
  2. blank ุ

    Declined [Forum] we should make folders for maps used on the server

    Panda's fdl server is weird and not easily accessible. If instead it was hosted on the same machine as the website it would be as simple as navigating to the fdl address in browser and you could see every single map on every panda server
  3. blank ุ

    Declined [JB] Remove death request.

    Depending on the plugin there is just a line in the config file you need to change to do this. It might only be a thing in redux
  4. blank ุ

    Declined [JB] Remove death request.

    Just use the plugin to force the round timer down to 1-2 minutes once LR is picked
  5. blank ุ

    What could have caused this?

    I'd wager someone triggered something like a minigame which caused something like shadows to overflow for everyone except the person recording, who probably has a config setting that disabled whatever the overflow was involved with, making them not crash
  6. blank ุ

    Semicolon's Map Feedback

    Remove any and all instances of nine square from your maps and replace them with a frog based minigame
  7. blank ุ

    Guard Crits Hate General

    soijak pfp = opinion discarded
  8. blank ุ

    Completed [JB] Remove Security Entity Limit Plugin

    This might be a good solution if you're unable to quickly remove any maps that have crash problems. Though if you are able to, this plugin can sometimes make maps near unplayable so it would be better to just have it crash rather than crippling the map for potentially weeks when instead it could...
  9. blank ุ

    Is jailbreak boring?

    mapping is more fun than playing at a certain point you've kind of done everything. its boring to win lr every other round and to play the exact same maps you've been playing for years. it's mostly fun when you dick around with friends, I can't see myself playing alone anymore. I think people...
  10. blank ุ

    jb_cargo secret

    Finding secrets on any map with noclipping is cheating. You found it the correct way, though I expected it to be a soldier rocket jumping up. Unicake does not get credit because he used noclip
  11. blank ุ

    jb_cargo secret

    I believe you're the first person to find this without noclip
  12. blank ุ

    Declined Jailbreak rule change (blues baiting)

    Both of these suggestions are tangentially related because they favor reds more. It turns jailbreak into more anarchy and prevents the actual game from being played. I hate to bring up another community but if you want to look at Blackwonder, (which you used to/still? play on) it has both of...
  13. blank ุ

    Declined Ban Hole in the Wall on jb cargo

    That wall is not meant to align with any platforms, the platform alignments were made for the long straight line walls. This is a problem that only happens the first time you encounter it, after that you can just jump to survive, or go to a different platform. Though generally speaking, if you...