map update

  1. 8Sh1t

    Fixed dr_horrors_panda5_d

    I got bored and put toolsblockbullets everywhere as func_detail to stop people from activating traps as soldier/demo. This also blocks blue from killing people through walls.
  2. Kruphixx

    Awaiting Feedback [FF2 ONLY] Map update/fix for vsh_jealo_rc1

    An update to the map which fixes an issue that prevents bosses from being able to use point-teleport ability. The issue was apparently caused by broken collisions of some props, disabling them did the trick. Map file attached below. Again, this is for FF2 only.
  3. Kruphixx

    Pending [FF2/VSH] Stripper config for arena_hydrothunder_b4

    Hello, this stripper adds some additional health packs to the map since the map lacks them (currently there's only one, small one) This makes it so that there's now 3 medium health packs. One of them replaces the small one, and the other ones replace the medium ammo packs in the tunnels in the...
  4. Kruphixx

    Pending [FF2/VSH] Map update for vsh_island_outpost & vsh_prison

    THIS IS FOR BOTH FF2 AND VSH. Changelog: Made the water an instant killzone for red team due to func_croc not working properly in certain situations (being able to survive with a dead ringer on VSH) Changed the teleport sound after hale falls into the water to a louder one Increased max...
  5. Kruphixx

    Completed [FF2/VSH] Map update for arena_warehouse_remake

    I just released an update for the map mainly with many technical/visual improvements but there's also several gameplay changes thrown in there. Changelog: Changed the medium health packs near spawn exits to small ones Removed one of the health & ammo packs...
  6. JeFFY

    Completed [DR] Replace the vsh_dr_block_v9 to dr_block_v9

    I've been playing Deathrun mode for almost 11 years now and dr_block is one of my favorite classic maps. For two years I've been playing on panda's deathrun. I suggest replacing the VSH version of the dr_block_v9 map to the regular one. The versus saxton hale version has several bugs, unlike the...
  7. Kruphixx

    Completed [FF2/VSH] Map updates/fixes

    I'm once again posting some map updates. All maps have been thoroughly tested in-game, they're all ready to be added to the servers. Changelog: vsh_crevice_panda Adjusted the maximum height for some of the trigger_catapult-s (jump pads) so players don't take fall damage when they land...
  8. Kruphixx

    Completed [FF2/VSH] vsh_prison update

    Hello, I updated vsh_prison based on feedback from yesterday and today when the map was played on FF2. You can see some screenshots of the changes on the gamebanana page.
  9. Onelight

    Duplicate importent update about dr_madfacility

    So i kinda messed up when publishing the map and the version that i uploaded was abit broken but is now fixed so i would suggest not adding the older version onto the server. it works but one of the traps on that version is not really working which can be abit annoying :confused: posting it as...
  10. zakariasan2

    Completed ba_mlcastle_refurbished (beta update)

    Hi everyone, I'm the creator of mlcastle and I've been working on a new version that completely changes the map. It gives each minigame a unique theme, more/edited minigames, edited secrets, custom models and textures, restylized areas etc. My goal for this refurbish is to update the map since...
  11. Coronarena

    Completed Update dr_stardust

    dr_stardust_a3f is what I believe panda is currently on, and since dr_stardust_v1 exists with much more content and bug fixes, I think the map should be updated. I'd love to write more but all I can think of is writing what is new, and since there's so much that has changed, I'll just leave you...
  12. Nikola

    Completed Dangerzone and Neonoir updates

    Few days ago dr_dangerzone got a big update and dr_neonoir also. Should be updated asap to keep in the pace with other servers: - Dangerzone - Neonoir Also schmoll reminder to update these maps :thinking_owo...
  13. Nikola

    Completed 9 map updates, 1 new map and 5 maps remove suggestion.

    Hello! I'm playing deathrun a lot and I noticed many of maps there are outdated so I wanted to help with it a bit by making a single big thread about maps that can be updated, and also suggest few map removes. Updates: 1. Update dr_timetravel_fix to dr_timetravel_v5 V5 has a lot of new...